The Dangers of Dog Waste

It’s too much work,” “it’s only in my yard,” “it’s fertilizer,” “it’ll break down on its own.” These are all common reasons we hear that people don’t pick up. But that’s because most people don’t have an understanding of just how dangerous dog poop can be.

Dog poop contains millions of bacteria. According to Live Science, a single gram of dog poop contains around 23 million bacteria. This means when it isn’t disposed of correctly, we’re putting ourselves and our environment at risk.

Dog poop is so dangerous, the EPA actually classifies pet waste as a nonpoint source pollutant, putting it in the same category as toxic chemicals and pesticides.

Health Risks

Dog waste is a health hazard. Allowing it to sit unscooped on a community or a public area is a risk owner-operators should not be willing to take.

Dog poop contains bacteria and parasites that can compromise the health of any individual. Bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacteria can be found in a pile of dog waste. It can also contain parasites like Roundworms, Whipworms, and Hookworms.

Through these bacteria and parasites, dog waste has been known to cause disease in the lungs, eyes, and skin, and produce symptoms like cramps, diarrhea, dehydration, and kidney issues.

E. Coli | Salmonella | Campylobacteria | Entercoccus | Clostridium | Helicobacter
Hookworms | Ringworms | Roundworms | Tapeworms | Whipworms | Coccidia | Giardia | Spirochetes

Environmental Risks

Dog poop is listed as #3 on the EPA’s list of nonpoint source pollutants, meaning it comes from more than once source (millions of dogs).

Dog waste can enter the water supply from runoff and has been known to cause algae overgrowth that kills weed, fish, and other wildlife.

A study of air samples in Cleveland, Ohio and Detroit, Michigan in Live Science shows that 10 to 50% of the bacteria in the air we breath came from dog poop.

Dog poop is also a significant food source for rodents, luring mice and rats in to feast on the undigested food bits in the waste. A dog poop problem can cause a rat problem, which can lead to a host of other health hazards.  

The Solution...

Studies show that 40% of pet owners do not pick up after their pet, but that was before PooPrints. PooPrints partners report a 95% reduction in unscooped dog waste. PooPrints creates an accountability program that requires pet owners pick up after their dogs!