We're glad to see you here!
There are thousands of residents living in PooPrints properties across the globe. If your community utilizes our service, you’ve come to the right place.
Do You Have Questions?
We’ve compiled frequently asked questions that we hear from residents!
Registration is performed on the property level via a simple cheek swab. Your property manager should have a registration kit waiting for you when you move in.
Registration is typically completed during move-in or it’s scheduled shortly after.
Please reach out to your community to determine the details of your registration.
PooPrints is not a breed test. We analyze 16 unique genetic markers that do not determine breed or any physical characteristics.
We store these 16 markers on file. Any time your community sends in a waste sample, we extract the DNA from the same markers and compare it to all cheek swabs on file to determine a match.
Some third-party services will ask for an External ID for your dog during the application process.
If you have registered your dog with PooPrints before, please enter your dog’s DN# as the external ID.
If you have never registered your pet with PooPrints, use an ID placeholder until one is assigned. Please enter DN000000 as a placeholder in this field to proceed through the application process.
Once your move into your community, your pet will be registered and an external ID will be retroactively assigned.
If you include an email in your registration, you will receive a welcome email from our database, the DNA World Pet Registry.
Your welcome email will contain your login credentials and details on pet perks that we currently offer.
PooPrints does not charge residents. DNA Analysis fees are determined at the community level and factor in various charges that the community pays to PooPrints for analysis.
Not only is dog waste a nuisance, but it harbors bacteria and disease. Our program ensures that all residents pick up after their pet so that the community remains clean and safe for all of its residents.
We have various resident perks available to PooPrints pet owners in their account.
Resident Benefits
PooPrints residents get more than just the value of living on a clean community. We have pet perks! Check out our list of partners.